# # pmrep configuration # # General options [options] #source = localhost #output = stdout #derived = /path/derived.conf #header = yes #timestamp = no #samples = #interval = 1s #delay = 0 #raw = no #width = #count_scale = count #space_scale = kB #time_scale = sec ##includedir = # Compact metric specifications are of form: #pcp.metric.name = label,instance(s),unit/scale,r-for-raw,column-width # Global metrics are displayed as part of any set (unless disabled with -G) [global] nproc = kernel.all.runnable #kernel.all.runnable = nproc,,,, # sar -w example [sar-w] header = yes unitinfo = no globals = no timestamp = yes interval = 1s raw = no decimals = 2 sysfork = kernel.all.sysfork sysfork.label = proc/s sysfork.width = 11 pswitch = kernel.all.pswitch pswitch.label = cswch/s # sar -W example [sar-W] header = yes unitinfo = no globals = no timestamp = yes interval = 1s raw = no decimals = 2 time_scale = s pswpin = mem.vmstat.pswpin pswpin.label = pswpin/s pswpin.width = 10 pswpout = mem.vmstat.pswpout pswpout.label = pswpout/s pswpout.width = 10 # vmstat example [vmstat] derived=mem.util.allcache=mem.util.cached+mem.util.slab,kernel.all.cpu.alluser=kernel.all.cpu.user+kernel.all.cpu.nice header = yes unitinfo = no globals = no timestamp = no interval = 1s raw = no decimals = 0 repeat_header = 22 proc.runq.runnable = r,,,, proc.runq.blocked = b,,,, swap.used = swpd,,,, mem.util.free = free,,,,8 mem.util.bufmem = buff,,,,8 mem.util.allcache = cache,,,,8 swap.pagesin = si,,,, swap.pagesout = so,,,, mem.vmstat.pgpgin = bi,,,,4 mem.vmstat.pgpgout = bo,,,,4 kernel.all.intr = in,,,,6 kernel.all.pswitch = cs,,,,6 kernel.all.cpu.alluser = us,,ms,, kernel.all.cpu.sys = sy,,,, kernel.all.cpu.idle = id,,ms,, kernel.all.cpu.wait.total = wa,,,, kernel.all.cpu.steal = st,,,, # An example metric set [example-1] timestamp = yes interval = 2s raw = no space_scale = MB read = disk.all.read_bytes read.width = 6 write = disk.all.write_bytes write.width = 6 if = network.interface.total.bytes if.unit = kB if.width = 10 # Another example set [example-2] width = 10 space_scale = kB dpr_b = disk.partitions.read_bytes dpw_b = disk.partitions.write_bytes cached = mem.util.allcache cached.formula = mem.util.cached + mem.util.slab cached.label = mem_c # Zabbix integration example - metrics will be sent with "pcp." prefix [zabbix] output = zabbix globals = no zabbix_server = zabbix_host = Linux-test-VM2 zabbix_interval = 1m interval = 10s free = mem.util.free util = mem.util.used fork = kernel.all.sysfork